Project 4432: G. Marrama , E. Villalobos-Segura, R. Zorzin, J. Kriwet, G. Carnevale. 2023. The evolutionary origin of the durophagous pelagic stingray ecomorph. Palaeontology. 66 (4):e12669.
This project has 27 documents.

Please find here additional documents associated with this project. Occasionally MorphoBank receives matrices that are not formatted to parse to the database, these can also be found here, along with others and are presented 'as is' from the scientist.

27 Documents

Character matrix (complete)_NEXUS (Downloaded 1 time )
The complete matrix as nexus file (.nex) including 124 characters and 52 living and fossil (holomorphic + tooth-based) taxa.
Character matrix (reduced)_NEXUS
The reduced matrix as nexus file (.nex) including 124 characters and 40 living and fossil (holomorphic only) taxa.
Doc file_full matrix
Doc file_reduced matrix
ESS values_Bay_p-file1
ESS values_Bay_p-file2
FAD and LAD (all taxa)
Ages for time-calibration analysis (for all taxa)
FAD and LAD (holomorphic taxa only)
Ages for time-calibration analysis (holomorphic taxa only)
Log-file Bayesian
Log file produced from the Bayesian analysis with the results of set analysis under the parameters delimited in the script file.
Log-file Maximum Likelihood
Log file produced from the Maximum Likelihood analysis with the results of set analysis under the parameters delimited in the script file.
NTS sliders file
Sliders file in .nts to define the semilandmark curve.
RW report
Report after the relative warp analysis including singular values and percent explained for relative warp axes.
RW scores
Relative Warp (RW=PC) scores after the Relative Warp analysis.
Script - Bayesian
Script (commands used) for the Bayesian analysis with Mr Bayes, it can be executed line by line or as a whole using the command “execute”. The file can be open with a text editor program.
Script - Maximum Likelihood
Paup Script (commands used) for the Maximum Likelihood analysis with PAUP, it can be executed line by line or as a whole using the command “execute”. The file can be open with a text editor program.
Script - Parsimony (complete matrix)
Script (commands used) for the Parsimony analysis performed with the complete matrix. The file can be open with a text editor program.
Script - Parsimony (reduced matrix)
Script (commands used) for the Parsimony analysis performed with the reduced matrix. The file can be open with a text editor program.
Supporting information (Downloaded 2 times )
Contains the following appendices: Appendix 1 (Character list); Appendix 2 (Institutional abbreviations, Comparative material, Images used for geometric morphometrics and aspect ratio (AR) calculation); Appendix 3 (Detailed results of the phylogenetic analyses); Supplementary figures S1–S5, and tables S1–S4.
Time scaling command in R
R commands for time scaling
TNT file_full matrix
TNT_file_reduced matrix
TPS file (appended curves)
TPS file including landmark coordinates of the appended curves for shape analysis.
TPS file (raw lm coordinates)
TPS file including raw landmark coordinates of the unbend specimens for shape analysis.
TRE file_Reduced