Project 268: D. W. Fowler, E. A. Freedman, J. B. Scannella. 2009. Predatory functional morphology in raptors: Interdigital variation in talon size is related to prey restraint and immobilisation technique. PLOS ONE. 4 (11):1-9.
This project has 62 taxa.
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Showing 16 taxonomic names where genus starts with 'A'.

* indicates that a taxon has NOT matched to the NCBI hierarchy.
# indicates that a taxon has been matched to a PBDB entry.

Accipiter badius 
Accipiter cooperii 
Accipiter gentilis 
Accipiter nisus 
Accipiter striatus 
Aegolius acadicus 
Aegolius funereus 
Aquila audax 
Aquila chrysaetos 
Aquila kienerii *
Aquila pomarina 
Aquila rapax 
Asio flammeus 
Asio otus 
Athene noctua 
Athene cunicularia