Project 343: N. Malchus. 2010. Shell tubules in Condylocardiinae (Bivalvia: Carditoidea). Journal of Molluscan Studies. 76 (4):401-403.
Specimen: Condylocardia hippopus (Mörch, 1861) (LACM:72-64 (specimen 1))
View: dorsal transverse plane (cuts ventral-dorsal)


Shell tubules etched into the shell by mantle extensions are known from numerous higher bivalve taxa but were so far unknown from Condylocardiinae. Shell tubules of Condylocardia share a number of characteristics with Cardita but are distinctly different from arcoid tubules in diametre, penetration depth and shape. These differences are hypothesised to indicate different functions, origins, and perhaps involvement of different cell types in these taxa. However, further assessment requires histological examinations of the mantle, which was not available for the present study. See addendum for some additional information.

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Project DOI: 10.7934/P343,
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  • 6 Taxa
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MorphoBank Project 343
  • Creation Date:
    20 February 2010
  • Publication Date:
    04 December 2010
  • Project views: 99799

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    • Institut Catala de Paleontologia


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