Project 1266: Katrina L. Menard, Randall T. Schuh, James B. Woolley. 2014. Total-evidence phylogenetic analysis and reclassification of the Phylinae (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae), with the recognition of new tribes and subtribes and a redefinition of Phylini. Cladistics. Volume 30 (Issue 4):391–427.
Specimen: Ausejanus albisignatus (unvouchered)
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The subfamily Phylinae (Heteroptera: Miridae) is one of the largest subfamilies of plant bugs and in the most recent classification comprised six tribes: Pilophorini, Hallodapini, Auricillocorini, Phylini, Pronotocrepini, and Leucophoropterini. Phylogenetic analyses of the subfamily using dynamic homology (POY), parsimony (TNT), and model-based (RAxML) methods are presented. A dataset comprising both morphological and molecular characters (16S, 18S, 28S, and COI–COII) was assembled for taxon samples of 164 ingroup and nine outgroup taxa. A reclassification of the subfamily based on the POY analysis is presented, recognizing nine tribes and nine subtribes. The Auricillocorini is synonymized with the Hallodapini and the Pronotocrepini with the Cremnorrhini; the Phylini was found to be polyphyletic and is redefined; the Semiini and Nasocorini are resurrected and redefined; and the Decomiini and Coatonocapsiniare presented as new tribes. The Hallodapini, rather than the Pilophorini, was found to be the sister-group to the remaining Phylinae.

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Article DOI: 10.1111/cla.12052

Project DOI: 10.7934/P1266,
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    • American Museum of Natural History

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